2025 IAACN Symposium
“The Impact of Clinical Nutrition and Holistic Therapies on the Preventions and Reversal of Global Disease”
will be available online this year beginning late summer/early fall.
Global health challenges have become more intense and complex in the past several years due to a vast increase in toxic exposures, diets lacking in nutrient dense foods, poor lifestyle choices and high stress, as well as the growing side effects of questionable medical interventions. Clinical Nutrition and holistic therapies can help prevent illness and promote healing for those affected by these factors.
Topics such as: environmental toxic exposures to chemicals, heavy metals, molds / mycotoxins, EMFs; cardiomyopathy, cancer, neurological disorders, autism, anxiety and depression, healing and protecting the immune system, addressing prevention for autoimmune and inflammatory disorders; implementing detoxification measures, and discussing specific biochemical values present in laboratory testing will be discussed. The valuable information presented at this Symposium will equip attendees to confidently diagnose, treat and make recommendations to their patients/clients for the best health outcomes both now and in the future.
Join us for the 2025 IAACN Scientific Symposium, “The Impact of Clinical Nutrition and Holistic Therapies on the Prevention and Reversal of Global Disease” where we will glean clinical pearls to help our patients/clients. By reviewing and understanding research, we can study and recommend biochemical, orthomolecular, herbal, nutritional, homeopathic, as well as lifestyle modification methods of support to facilitate healing for our patients and clients.
Kathy Veon, DAOM, AP, CCN
IAACN Vice President of Education
The IAACN symposium will be available online only in 2025. The format is a pre-recorded program that allows the participant 60 days of access once you login online. Quizzes and speaker information will be incorporated into the program and certificates will be automatically recorded and sent. IAACN member pricing will still apply.
Third party CEs will no longer be provided by the IAACN, however you will have access to the traditional CE submission documents so that you might personally apply for credits in your applicable field(s). The CNCB continues sponsorship and will record your attendance as meeting the CCN Maintenance Requirements.
This change is with the intention of extending the study window, assisting in financial relief to CCNs, recruiting new speakers, as well as concerns regarding air travel at this particular time.
This change allows the participant to satisfy Continuing Education while working around business, family and personal time. CCNs should complete the online program before the end of the year.
Debra Cox
Associate Director
CONTACT DEBRA COX: debracox.CNCB@proton.me